Zone Diet

A Sensible Approach that Really Works 

The Zone diet offers you the chance to look, think and feel better. According to eDiets the zone diet will:
  • Boost energy, vitality and give you better mental focus
  • Lose stored body fat without constantly feeling hungry
  • Increase lean muscle tone making you look healthier and fit
  • Maintain a healthy and balanced diet
  • Lose weight safely, easily, and permanently
  • The concept behind the Zone diet is that our DNA has changed very little since our pre-historic ancestors. For thousands of years we existed on lean protein and natural carbohydrates (fruit and vegetables). The introduction of grain into our diet is a later addition occurring approximately 8,000 years ago.
Although man has been a farmer for over 8,000 years, grain is still an unnatural product for our bodies. Our bodies still require the basic food groups of the pre-historic man.

Barry Sears, the inventor of the Zone diet concludes that as far as our genes are concerned we are still meat gathers who require lean protein and natural carbohydrates. So there goes the pasta, bread, and grains. Because we have not evolved to the point where our bodies can adequately and efficiently absorb these excessive amounts of high carbs, our bodies tend to react negatively to their input.

Read this too:
South Beach Diet

The result is we gain excess weight, suffer from diabetes, heart disease and a host of other ills, feel sluggish, and generally perform at a sub-par level. The Zone Diet is designed to feed our natural genetic makeup. It gives us the fuel we need, when we need it.

There are several excellent source that can get you on track with the Zone Diet. We recommend that offers specilized Zone diet consulting.

In addition, there is Nutrisystem which provides meals that follow the Zone diet.


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